(Skewer of Lamb fillet marinated in onions and Saffron)
(FR) (Brochette filet d’agneau)
(NL) (Spies van Lamsfilet gemarineerd in uien en saffraan)
(FA) کباب برگ
(Skewer of boneless chicken breast marinated in Saffron )
(FR) (Brochette de poulet mariné au Safran)
(NL) (Spies van kipfilet gemarineerd in saffraan)
(FA) کباب جوجه بدون استخوان
Our restaurant can accommodate up to 2500 guests, with a total area of over 10,000 m2, including 7 luxurious parties, a special food court with open space. Along with modern equipment, professional management team, chefs have many years of experience in the culinary field.
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