Meal categories
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Make your online order before 9:30pm, please check the opening hours of Royal Ispahan:
• Monday:
6:00pm to 11:00pm
• Tuesday:
12:00pm to 2:30pm
6:00pm to 11:00pm
• Wednesday:
12:00pm to 2:30pm
6:00pm to 11:00pm
• Thursday:
12:00pm to 2:30pm
6:00pm to 11:00pm
• Friday:
12:00pm to 2:30pm
6:00pm to 11:00pm
• Saturday:
6:30pm to 11:00pm
• Sunday:
12:00pm to 2:30pm
6:00pm to 11:00pm
24K Gold Meat

Top Selection Caviar 100g.

Roasted Lamb

Order online: before 9:30pm
Attention:After placing your order, please visit the restaurant to pick up your food.Unfortunately, we do not have a delivery system to your address.
Showing 16–30 of 38 results
€21.70(Lamb stew, split peas, tomato sauce, Persian spices)
(FR) (Gigot d’agneau, pois cassés, sauce tomate, épices)
(NL) (lamsstoofpot, spliterwten, tomatensaus, Perzische kruiden)
(FA) خورشت قیمه -
Kebab Shah Abbassi
€32.08(1 Skewer Barg, 2 skewers Koubideh)
(FR) (1 Brochette Barg, 2 brochettes Koubideh)
(NL) (1 Spies Barg, 2 Spiesjes Koubideh)
(FA) کباب شاه عباسی -
Kebab Bakhtiari
€30.19(1 Skewer Barg, 1 Skewer Djoujeh)
(FR) (1 Brochette Barg, 1 brochette djoujeh)
(NL) (1 Spies Barg, 1 Spies Djoujeh)
(FA) کباب بختیاری -
24K Gold Meat
€65.09( Filet Mignon Gold 24 karat )
(FR) Filet Mignon Or 24 carats
(NL) Filet Mignon Gold 24 karaat
(FA) کباب فیله با طلای 24 عیار -
Kebab Soltani
€28.30(1 Skewer Barg, 1 Koubideh)
(FR) (1 Brochette Barg, 1 Koubideh)
(NL) (1 Spies Barg, 1 Koubideh)
(FA) کباب سلطانی -
€22.64(Lamb stew , eggplants, tomato sauce)
(FR) (Gigot d’agneau, aubergine, sauce tomate)
(NL) (lamsstoofpot, aubergines, tomatensaus)
(FA) خورشت بادمجان -
€21.70(Beef stew, ginger, tomato, Persian spices)
(FR) (Boeuf, gingembre, sauce tomate, épices)
(NL) (Runderstoofpot, gember, tomaat, Perzische kruiden )
(FA) خورشت تنوری -
Jarret d’agneau
€27.36Lamb shank (Served with green bean rice and dill)
(FR) (Servi avec du riz aux fèves, aneth)
(NL) Lamsschenkel (Geserveerd met sperziebonenrijst en dille)
(FA) باقلی پلو با ماهیچه گوسفندی -
Stuffed pepper (végétarien)
€9.91( Stuffed with rice, Persian spices, fresh herbs )
(FR) Poivron farci (végétarien) ( Farci avec du riz, épices, fines herbes fraîches )
(NL) ( Shirazi Salade, gevulde paprika, lamstong, Kashke Bademjan, Olivier Salade, Coucou. )
(FA) دلمه فلفل قرمز – بدون گوشت -
Salad Olivier
€9.43( Shredded chicken mayo salad with potato, egg, pickles, carrots and peas )
(FR) ( Purée de pommes de terre, poulet, petits pois, carottes, cornichons, mayonnaise )
(NL) ( Geraspte kipmayonaise met aardappel, ei, augurk, wortel en doperwten )
(FA) سالاد الویه -
€22.64(Chicken breast, minced walnuts, pomegrenate concentrate, prunes)
(FR) (Blanc de poulet, noix hachées, concentré de grenade, pruneaux)
(NL) (kippenborst, gehakte walnoten, granaatappelconcentraat, pruimen)
(FA) خورشت فسنجان -
Ghormeh Sabzi
€22.64(Beef stew, mixed herbs, red beans, dried lemon)
(FR) (Boeuf, fines herbes, haricots rouges)
(NL) (Runderstoofpot, gemengde kruiden, rode bonen, gedroogde citroen)
(FA) خورشت قورمه سبزی