Roasted Lamb
€754.72 -
Salad Olivier
€9.43 -
Shrimps with cream
€21.23 -
Shrimps with garlic
€21.23 -
Sole meunière with Saffron
€31.13 -
€21.70 -
Top Selection Caviar 100g.
Showing 28–36 of 38 results
( Shredded chicken mayo salad with potato, egg, pickles, carrots and peas )
(FR) ( Purée de pommes de terre, poulet, petits pois, carottes, cornichons, mayonnaise )
(NL) ( Geraspte kipmayonaise met aardappel, ei, augurk, wortel en doperwten )
(FA) سالاد الویه
(Accompanied with Saffron rice and salad)
(FR) Brochette de scampis grillées aux safrans (Accompagnée de riz aux Safran et salades)
(NL) Spies van Garnalen gemarineerd in Saffraan (Vergezeld van Saffraanrijst en salade)
(FA) میگو کبابی زعفرانی
(Accompanied with Saffron rice and salad)
(FR) Sole meunière aux safrans (Accompagnée de riz aux Safron et salades)
(NL) Tong meunière met Saffraan (Vergezeld van Saffraanrijst en salade)
(FA) ماهی سل زعفرانی
( Stuffed with rice, Persian spices, fresh herbs )
(FR) Poivron farci (végétarien) ( Farci avec du riz, épices, fines herbes fraîches )
(NL) ( Shirazi Salade, gevulde paprika, lamstong, Kashke Bademjan, Olivier Salade, Coucou. )
(FA) دلمه فلفل قرمز – بدون گوشت
(Beef stew, ginger, tomato, Persian spices)
(FR) (Boeuf, gingembre, sauce tomate, épices)
(NL) (Runderstoofpot, gember, tomaat, Perzische kruiden )
(FA) خورشت تنوری
Excl. vat
Top Selection Caviar 100g.
(FR) Caviar d’Esturgeon Top Selection 100g.
(NL) Esturgeon Top Selection Kaviaar 100g.
(FA) خاویار ایرانی 100 گرمی
Our restaurant can accommodate up to 2500 guests, with a total area of over 10,000 m2, including 7 luxurious parties, a special food court with open space. Along with modern equipment, professional management team, chefs have many years of experience in the culinary field.
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