( Shredded chicken mayo salad with potato, egg, pickles, carrots and peas )
(FR) ( Purée de pommes de terre, poulet, petits pois, carottes, cornichons, mayonnaise )
(NL) ( Geraspte kipmayonaise met aardappel, ei, augurk, wortel en doperwten )
(FA) سالاد الویه
( Lamb tongues, coriander and lemon )
(FR) ( Tranche de langue d’agneau, coriandre )
(NL) ( Lamstongen, koriander en citroen )
(FA) زبان بره
Our restaurant can accommodate up to 2500 guests, with a total area of over 10,000 m2, including 7 luxurious parties, a special food court with open space. Along with modern equipment, professional management team, chefs have many years of experience in the culinary field.
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